Monday, December 16, 2013

Master photo

Irving Penn was an American photographer known for his fashion photography, portraits, and still lifes. He is from new jersy his pictures realy ispired us to take pictures almost similar to his, he had every good portraits all his pictures are black and white and that really makes his pictures stand out. so in our project we decided that al of our pictures should be the same. we did an a maizing job with our portraits and with the pictures we took and then poses wen did it representing Irving Penn.

Monday, December 2, 2013

How you can take better portraits


Pop photo

Ever After

Perfect your photagraphy

our photagraphy


the rule of thirds


My experince with photgraphhy its been amaizing searching sl these websites been nice to do because it helps us learn more about photrgarphy and how to use photraphy.
All these websites teach us alot about photraphy like the rule of thirds and how to compose and how to become a better photagrapher.
It is a good experience to look for all thses websites because it helps us alot as a group to see what we need to focus more on.