Monday, December 16, 2013

Master photo

Irving Penn was an American photographer known for his fashion photography, portraits, and still lifes. He is from new jersy his pictures realy ispired us to take pictures almost similar to his, he had every good portraits all his pictures are black and white and that really makes his pictures stand out. so in our project we decided that al of our pictures should be the same. we did an a maizing job with our portraits and with the pictures we took and then poses wen did it representing Irving Penn.

Monday, December 2, 2013

How you can take better portraits


Pop photo

Ever After

Perfect your photagraphy

our photagraphy


the rule of thirds


My experince with photgraphhy its been amaizing searching sl these websites been nice to do because it helps us learn more about photrgarphy and how to use photraphy.
All these websites teach us alot about photraphy like the rule of thirds and how to compose and how to become a better photagrapher.
It is a good experience to look for all thses websites because it helps us alot as a group to see what we need to focus more on.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Bryan Farleys Website Critique

In the internet there are many different kinds of website, all kind of website you can find whatever you search mostlikely you will find whatever you in the search for, like photagraphy thats one of them mr.falry has his own website for photagraphy and i think that is is something very interesting to do. to have your own website. thats really amazing. the pictures he be taking are really cool i like tham all they all have a type of focus, the pictures have a realy nice background that really be cathing your attention. His webstite shows that he has a pasion in taking pictures he loves his job that all i can say.

   The pictures he takes show that he really takes pictures whereever and they are taking with a profesional camera his a great photagrapher, he love his job the website is really interesting the first time i went on there it was really interesting it grabed my attention i was shocked to see how someone can coe so far with what they injoy doing or love doing. He has passion to it and that is something really good . many website are not that very interesting they are boring and some dont even prove that they are profesional photgraphers but Mr. Farly his website rocks its just fame.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Cropping for Better Composition - Advanced Photo


The cropped photo illustrates the lines rule of composition , because it shows the rule of  compostion. I like this picture because i like the back ground of people, and the bubbles make this picture stand out.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Canon T3 I Review

canon camera has a very clrear view, i like the compositing to it. is a very good camera i like how the pictures come out they are very clear. there are many cameras out ther that have cheap quality and they dont take clean pictures they take crapy pictures , but in the other had there is cameras out there that are evry expensive but have the best quality but people wont buy them for that price, yet the canon camera is not that expensive but they quality is great speicaly the comosition is great.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Canon review

Canon Review

Canon's name is synonymous with a plethora of the best cameras on the market. In the DSLR market it's the key player, and has outsold its nearest rivals for several years.Loyal customers help contribute to this success, yet Canon's world-class range of up-to-date cameras ensures there's always something worth coming back for.So which Canon camera is best for you? We give you the lowdown on the Canon range of DSLRs, compact system cameras (CSCs) and compact cameras.

As a news announcement, Canon's PowerShot G16 enthusiast compact was a bit of a yawner: basically, it gains Wi-Fi and 1080/60p video over its predecessor, the G15. As a camera, though, the G series is slowly improving. Given that it was once one of the cameras that defined the enthusiast category it's sad to see it slip compared with competitors. Like the G15, the G16 has excellent image quality at low ISO sensitivities, but its performance is significantly improved -- still not the fastest option in its class, but no longer the slug it was.

The camera design and layout are nearly identical to its predecessor with only a few tweaks. The grip remains relatively shallow but serviceable, and the dial on it feels a little awkward to operate without scrunching your hand.The mode dial and exposure compensation dials are stacked but offset from each other on the top right; an aesthetically interesting and functionally streamlined design. The tiny popup flash isn't bad, but I wish it could tilt back to bounce.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Photo Booth Photos

Comic Book, has a really nice blury view but at the same time you can actualy see whats going on in the picture.

Thermal Camera, i chosed this because the colors really catched my atention.

Sepia, i chosed this because the color is a very interesting color.

Pop Art, the reason i chosed this color is becuase the colors realy pop out.

Black and white, i chosed this color because it makes it seem like one of those old pictures from the 80's.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First assignment light

The light reflected off my groups skin and gave them a lighter skin tone. Our hair turned light brown and red because the light brightens all images. it is way more opposite than the shadows of the dark.